Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tiger Slippers and Kicking Butt

I like to wear my boyfriend's way-too-large-for-my-feet Tiger slippers because my toes get cold. Excellent news! The weather is finally getting cold here in Virginia :) now, if only the rain would stop! As I type this post I'm noming on pretzel sticks and contemplating what to make for dinner that won't make me feel sick tonight at kickboxing.

Does that not look absolutely scrumptious? I didn't cook it though, hah yea right. But man it looks so yummy! Now, I haven't always been a healthy eater, that's a very recent thing. So don't groan about "another health nut ew" cause I still crave my favorite fast food ever, Wendy's, on a daily basis. I haven't had it in a few weeks though :( way too many fat calories.

Anyway, I just finished my pretzels so it's time to put something on the stove so I'm early to the dojo this evening. I'll leave this for laughs:

Pitbulls are some of the sweetest dogs on the face of the earth. Blame the owners people, not the canine! Just sayin'.

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