Sunday, October 14, 2012

31 Day Challenge, Day 5: Blue Nails!

I'm posting super early because I have stuff to do today (hah yea right, I just want to be lazy). Anywho, this was a really fun manicure because I decided to finally do the Saran Wrap Manicure. I absolutely love how it turned out so I'll be doing this after the challenge so I can wear it for a few days :)

For a base I used Sinful Colors Love Nails. After I let that completely dry, the top color that I smushed Saran Wrap on was Essie Aruba Blue and topped it all off with Seche Vite. These colors together are beautiful! I couldn't get the "perfect" picture to capture the design and color shades, but I hope you can tell how pretty it is by what I could capture.

Have a good Sunday guys, I kinda wished blue day was yesterday, because it was the Navy's birthday and I am all about the USN.

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