Saturday, October 13, 2012

31 Day Challenge, Day 3: Yellow Nails!

This one I didn't plan at all, I winged it the whole way and I actually really love what I ended up with! :)

I started with a base color of Pure Ice Unzip Me and drew on sunflower petals with the smallest dotting tool in my arsenal and Sephora by OPI Caffeine Fix:

I kept them choppy on purpose, because I really loved the funky look it gave the design.
After that I decided to add many more details to the design for fun. It didn't feel complete yet, so I added the centers of the sunflowers, and accenting dots. For the other colors I used Mash Banana, Essie Blanc and Wet n' Wild Fastdry SaGreena the Teenage Witch.

And that's it! Hope you like :) if I have time today I might actually post another mani since I'm a day behind. Have an awesome weekend you guys!

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