Tuesday, October 16, 2012


These are old photos, but it's so there isn't so much neglect of the "Firearms" part of my blog title during this 31 day nail art challenge.

That there is me shooting my boyfriend's SteyrAUG.

This is the necklace my boyfriend bought me. Can't you tell we love our guns? ;) I am a big fan of rifle shooting, but I pistol shoot also because it's a necessity. When I do pistol shooting, I prefer 45ACP but the 9mm necklace was much prettier. The lady we bought it from makes a LOT of different bullet casing jewelry, HERE. Truly amazing. And no, she doesn't know I'm advertising for her LOL that's just how much I love my necklace. That is a real aquamarine, she puts real gemstones in her jewelry. It's also real brass, so if you buy make sure to get some NEVR-DULL or Brasso! I use NEVR-DULL.

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