Saturday, November 3, 2012

Broken and flustered!

Guys, I'm so so sorry I haven't posted in a very long time! My camera is broken so I can't even post my nail art anymore :( I finished midterms and got caught up on the homework I missed while I was in and out of minor surgeries and upkeep for my cyst. I'm okay now and all is good. I'm still doing nail art, but a fat lot of good that does since I can't photograph it and post to show you! A new camera is on my Christmas List believe that! ;)

Your girl has worked DAMN HARD for those grades! Be happy for me :)

So this post will be just a bunch of randomness. Lets brush up on what it means to be a busty girl in every day life (non artificial).

Does anyone else do this ALL THE TIME? Well, I do. But! Having giant weights on your front isn't always a bad thing:

 Just be careful when doing this with chocolate ;) I also use my obsession for obscenely large purses to get away with this absurd rule. I mean really, who wouldn't think it's brilliant to hit up a Dollar Tree and buy the boxed candy for $1 that the theatre tries to sell to you for 6 times that? Anyways, these comics are wonderful, check them out at

I just had my first experience today at an anime convention. Now, I'm not really big on anime, in fact I don't watch it at all. Nor do I read mangas. The only anime I've ever touched on was the Peach Girl mangas when I was a teen. While those were fascinating for my naive mind, I haven't really found the desire to have anything more to do with the culture in my adult life. However, I am a nerd in all things superheros and video games. So I definitely enjoyed the cosplay. I also picked up a beautiful set of handcrafted chopsticks, now I don't have to eat with the splintery ones the takeout restaurants send home with you while my boyfriend uses his beautiful set he picked up in Singapore when he was in the Navy. :)

One of my favorite comic characters is Deadpool.

There was some AMAZING Deadpool cosplay today. There was even a mom, dad and little boy dressed as a Deadpool family! So awesome :) I'm a very, VERY big people watcher so this event was like a gold mine for me.

Now to leave you with a laugh:

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